2008년 10월 28일 화요일

"Follow the steps below for a beautiful yet basic eye makeup application. It takes three eye shadows in colors that compliment your skin tone and eye color to shape your eye. The following is basic and will work for everyone."

  • First apply your highlight color to your brow bone and the lid. This color is usually shimmery. Apply just a dab to the duct of the eye. This will help wake you up and draw more attention to your eyes.
  • Second, use an eye crease brush and start on the outer corner of the eye and sweep the mid tone into the crease of the eye. Go back in a circular motion to blend with the highlight color. This shadow is almost always a matte and should be a shade or two darker then your skin tone.
  • Next, apply the contour color by starting on the outer corner again and go along the lash line, about two-thirds of the way. Then go back up and into the crease and blend with the mid tone. It should look like a side ways V but very well blended. Finish by sweeping across the bottom lashes for a nice neutral look.

End with an eye liner along the top lashes and mascara and you are ready to go! See, I told you it was basic!

To Hairs with colour spray.......

1> Don't wash your hairs.because....if you wash your hairs,colours spray not collant in you hairs...

2> Before you use many colors like purple,red etc,you must make white colours....for background in your hairs

3> After that,you can make any colours.Purple,pink...other colours maybe you like.

4> And then......you must spray with 30 cm from your hairs and spray with circle...(when you spray hairs with circle...it's looks so good)

Try it!!

NB: kenapa harus pakai color spary warna putih, baut warna dasar karena secara logika, rambut orang indo cenderung gelap (hitam/coklat) bayangin ajah hitam ditabrak warna nyala pastinya ga kan keluar warnanya kan....?

2008년 10월 13일 월요일

One of the latest fashion news is jrock hairstyle has become asian teenagers craze! Japan influences the world by its fashion industry...including the heavy-looking hairstyle. In fact, they have affected the minority of westerners who are devoted to asian styles, cultures or whatever they are into which has something to do with Asia.I personally have a thing for a guy who has outstanding hairstyle. I think jrock hairdo makes a guy's face structure looks sharper and it looks kind of cool.Majorily, jrock hairstyle is insipired by anime characters. Someone's hair will look more outstanding when it is bleached into bright blonde or grey colour as examples which are shownabove by the famous jrock band,Gazette. Jrock hairstyle is not only meant for men but they have already attracted numerous women to become the followers as well. If you want to have daringcool style consider some ideas about jrock hairstyle with extreme colour. Sugoi desu ne! What say you?^^

2008년 10월 1일 수요일

HaiRs RePaIrs!!!!!! ^^
Tentunya K-Style selalu bisa digunakan dalam kehidupan nyata sehari-hari dan juga gaya pakaian yang mendominasi warna,tabrakan gaya juga sedap dipandang mata.Apalagi tatanan rambut yang dipotong asimetris dipadu warna rambut burgundy,coklat dan warna yang cocok dengan orang asia pada umumnya.K-style pd umumnya memberi kesan gelombang,jabrik(^^)
umunya,model rambut k-style tuh trpngaruh ma org JAPAN!!! why?? khan korea deket ma jepang,jadi semua gaya muda anak jepang gampang diteropong ma anak muda korea.
kelebihan dari gaya-gayaan ini;
1.gampang banget nyobainnya
2.bisa ditiru + cocok untuk org indonesia
3.gaya rambutnya apik tapi gak aneh-aneh
4.cat rambutnya bagus di kulit orang asia,gak main-main untuk penampilan
Kekurangan gayanya....
1.kadang-kadang jadi over di muka kalo g' pas
2.bagi wanita,model rambut jarang berubah,hanya 1 panutan.Mis:musimnya rambut gelombang di cat magenta,se-korea ceweknya begitu semua (^^)\
3.tidak bisa memperhatikan bentuk wajah,mata,dll
yah...tapi g' usah khawatir aku punya tips untuk para cewe sekalian (^^) pingin khan kaya mbak disamping
So, this is the tips :
Rambut Pendek-
Usapkan mouse maupun gel pada seluruh rambutmu secara merata, kemudian rambutmu dipilin sebagian-sebagian sampai pilinannya itu kena pada kulit kepala.- Atau kalo tidak, kamu juga bisa bikin gaya rambut ikalnya yang nggak beraturan dengan menggunakan curling iron, caranya dengan memilinnya bagian per bagian. kesan rambut ikal yang nggak beraturan ini bisa kamu dapatkan dengan mengacak-acakrambutmu dengan jari tangan.

Rambut Lurus-
Siapkan beberapa potongan-potongan kain atau handuk yang udah nggak terpakai lagi.- Usahakan terlebih dulu rambutmu dalam keadaan setengah kering, jangan dalam keadaan rambut yang basah maupun kering banget. Kemudian bagi rambut menjadi beberapa bagian dan lilitkan rambut satu demi satu dengan potongan kain atau handuk yang telah disiapkan tadi, dan jangan lupa mengikat ujung kain atau handuk itu.- Biarkan beberapa saat sampai rambut menjadi kering, lalu lepaskan potongan-potongan kain atau handuk tadi.
Rambut Keriting-
Pada saat rambut masih dalam keadaan basah, usapkan styling lotion atau wax pada rambut kamu.- Bagi rambut menjadi beberapa bagian.- Kepang rambut seperti biasa, tapi jangan sampai terlalu rapat agar hasilnya nanti bisa bergelombang.- Biarkan beberapa saat sampai rambutmu bener-bener dalam keadaan kering.- Setelah rambutmu benar-benar dalam keadaan kering, barulah buka kepangannya.
(^^) let's try it!!

haa...ha..hah!! it's miracle!! (T T)

haa...ha..hah!! it's miracle!! (T T)

bLacK wHitE,mY fAvOurIte ColOurs...

bLacK wHitE,mY fAvOurIte ColOurs...